Hobo Haven Rescue is an all breed dog rescue located in St Jacobs ON
Hobo Haven Rescue is an all breed dog rescue located in St Jacobs ON
Hobo Haven is based out of St Jacobs ON and assists Canadian dogs only, we do not import dogs.
Hobo Haven Rescue, founded in 2003, is dedicated to our mission of “no dog left behind”
We cannot do it alone. Please consider fostering, transporting, volunteering, adopting or donating to help us help them.
Our amazing team of volunteers are small but mighty, and genuinely committed to helping our animals by providing a safe haven where their new lives may begin again, after we provide each dog with necessary veterinary care, rehab and training.
We do not have a shelter facility. All dogs in our care live in loving foster family homes where they receive TLC, training
and lots of love amidst the comforts of home while completing their vetting and awaiting adoption.
Passion for animals brings us together.
It is seeing the difference we can make, one by one, that fuels that passion.
We are always in dire need of foster homes and donations to help us help more!
Contact us today to discuss how you may be able to help!
Hobo Haven Pet Rescue was inspired by an abandoned dog
who was witnessed as dumped in our area
and brought to us to help, whom we nicknamed Hobo.
Due to a lack of foster homes, Hobo was surrendered
to a local shelter who proceeded to
euthanize him 3 days later due to an ear infection.
Hobo Haven team members vowed to work hard to assist helpless, unclaimed strays to recover and find amazing new forever homes after providing vetting.
While we love every animal, our area of focus and expertise is on dog rescue. We are an all breed all ages rescue who assists dogs in need.
We assist rural pounds with unclaimed strays, retired breeding dogs or unsold puppies including medical needs dogs from commercial breeders, accept owner surrenders if/when we have a suitable foster home available
We educate communities regarding spay/neuter initiatives to reduce the overpopulation crisis, and carefully screening applicants to find amazing new forever homes for the dogs once they are fully vetted including spay/neuter, necessary surgeries, rehab, etc and in good health and ready to start their new lives.
Shop our Amazon wish list to donate! Simply add to cart and arrange to have donated items delivered directly to our
St Jacobs donation destination.
Know Better/Do Better is our motto when it comes to pet parent education.
CLICK HERE to view Pet Fooled, the internationally applauded and recognized, free pet food industry documentary to learn more about making healthier choices for your pet's nutrition, health and wellness.
As a medical rescue, entirely run by volunteers with no funding whatsoever, we rely on donations and modest adoption fees to help us pay down our massive vet bills and to provide our dogs with food, supplies and transportation until they are adopted.
DONATIONS may be e-transferred to hobohavenpetrescue@gmail.com OR donation directly via our secure online server using debit or credit cards below.
100% of all donations go directly to our vet expenses, food, supplies, and animal care costs.
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