Jemi is a 3yrs young Mini Poodle/Bernese Mountain Dog mix female surrendered by a commercial breeder/retired from their breeding program
She would love a home with a very patient kind family to help her feel safe and blossom.
Click link below for her full bio
Beanz is a spunky confident female French Bulldog/Boston Terrier mix puppy who is now ready to find her forever home (spay contract, must be within 1 hr of Waterloo to attend her vet appts)
Please read her full adoption profile below before inquiring to ensure that your family is a good fit
DOB Oct 24/19 Ritzi has now completed all of her vetting including spay, bladder stone removal/follow up testing, and her dental
She is ready to find her own forever family.
Please read Ritzi's full adoption bio before applying
DOB 09/07/2022 Titus is a super sweet, 1.5yr male Pug mix surrendered through no fault of his own
His vetting is all completed now and he is ready to find his forever family!
Please read his full profile below before applying